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Temple of Brainstorms - Cadence of Hyrule: Symphony of the Mask DLC Soundtra

Temple of Brainstorms (Peaceful) - Cadence of Hyrule: Symphony of the Mask DLC Soundtra

These are my favorite music from < Cadence Of Hyrule - Crypt of the NecroDancer Featuring The Legend of Zelda > DLC, actually I always do this challenge now

However I found that not many people do the same thing like me, I made it to the rankings easily, usually I'm just a moderate player, hope more players beat me down... omg cry

If you are confused by those rooms with yellow lines and occupied by monsters, just lure them to stand in the circle, meanwhile you need to stand on the yellow line and attack, or just use electrical weapons attack them, Voilà!

Cadence of Hyrule Full Soundtrack

I spent several time with my Switch games before, 《Cadence Of Hyrule - Crypt of the NecroDancer Featuring The Legend of Zelda》is a quite fun game, my only dissatisfaction is that the MAP is kinda too small, but the ost are funky epic, it's makes me immediately recall the good memories of playing the Zelda game series in the past, one single melody has at least 4 different versions of rhythm, that is so cool!

Just the opposite of 《Breath Of The Wild》, an ample incredible adventure with faint melody accompaniment, I can only barely remember a few melodies now... ^^;


Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince Original Soundtrack (OST)

However, I'm still eager to find a more difficult puzzle game, 《Trine 4 - The Nightmare Prinece》that satisfied me for short time, and I still feel insufficient now... But, the ost is really fascinating amazing, especially like "Heatherwood Hall" 、"Moonlit Forests", me and my cat we can sit on there just for those music, the story and the game screen before you end the whole game is always surprisingly enchanting... :music:


Togetherness 2

In <Little Nightmares 2>This melody really makes me feel so calm and sad in the same time when I hear it in the ending.

Etude for A Minor (Teacher Piano Theme)

Ahhhh I couldn't understand that why such a terrible teacher can play such a beautiful melody... And I was always willing to stay there just to appreciate some more... Until I was found. :)


在我玩完第三次遊戲後, 我發現一些蹊蹺... 如果你還沒玩過這遊戲 <小小夢魘2> 的麻煩請跳過以下內容, 謝謝 --

After I finished this game third times, and I found something strange, if u haven't played this game < Little Nightmares 2 > , please don't follow the next content --


打從我一開始玩體驗版就注意到, 為甚麼獵人只會追擊我, 老師想盡辦法阻攔卻也沒有殺了我, 我們卻要為了一支鑰匙刻意無謂的弄死唯一一位還活著的病患?

I’ve noticed one thing since the first time I played, why the hunter just only shoots at me, and why the teacher never really killed me but didn't want me to leave the orphanage, and why do I have to kill the last patient alive just for a key?


獵人為了營造溫暖的家庭環境, 為甚麼他選擇待在遠離喧鬧的樹林裡?

In order to get the warmth of his stuffed family, why the hunter chooses to hide in the woods?

老師為了推廣教育, 為甚麼身邊只有易碎的陶瓷屁孩娃娃? 你認為精神不穩的人能夠彈出那樣的琴譜嗎?

In order to educate orphans, why are there only fragile ceramic dolls around the teacher? Do you think a person who with distorted mentality is too bad to play piano?

醫生為了救治病人, 為甚麼必須要躲在遠離電波影響力的地底深處?

In order to saves patients who have no their lives, why does the doctor chooses to hide deep underground far away from the influence of radio waves?


城市裡的人們為了電視節目可以無所謂的捨棄意識靈魂甚至軀殼, 那些物品去了哪裡?

Those people who are confused by TV are willing to lose their soul, consciousness and physical body, where did those things go?

訊號塔的組成材質是甚麼? 我們甚至還差點拆了它好幾次

Where did the constituent materials of the signal tower come from?


我們都知道音樂盒對小六的重要意義是甚麼, 你有注意到每次它出現時的時機嗎?

We do know how important the music box is to that girl, have you noticed the timing of its appearance?

高瘦男想盡方法要用各種方式追捕到小六, 那為甚麼我們每次都要帶著她過去呢?

The Thin Man always wanna get that little girl, and why we take that girl to such dangerous places again and again?

你認為最後一戰是你擊敗了高瘦男, 還是高瘦男情願降伏 (融合) 於你?

Do you think you beat the Thin Man, or the Thin Man is willing to lose to you?


Is Six's final choice right or wrong?


Is she such a mean person from the beginning?


Have you noticed who influenced many of her actions in the end?

絕大多數的玩家只在乎我們要怎麼獲得我們想要的結局, 你有注意過路途上遇過的人們正受到甚麼影響嗎?

Most players only pay attention to how do we get the ending what we want. Do you also notice what the people you meet throughout the process need?


你有注意過小六最開心的時刻嗎? 這對她是好的嗎? 你認為哪一種方式對她是最好的嗎?

When do you think is Six's happiest time? Is that good for her? How do u know your choice is the best for her?

一廂情願的做法, 我們有確認過身邊的人感受如何了嗎?

Wishful thinking, have we asked the people around us?


我發現我若要是玩第四次, 我會連小六的手都不願意牽起, 只想要快速衝完整場遊戲, 我是不是變得更為自大、更不在乎他人了呢?

If i want to play for the 4th time at this game, I might not be willing to hold Six's hand again and only willing to focus on speedrun the whole, in the eyes of others am I a person becoming an arrogant guy who doesn't care about other people's feelings in this game?


Have you find out, who is the real Nightmare?

媽耶我第一次玩遊戲被勸拔片是因為這個因素的... 這遊戲真的不是普通的史詩級鉅作... 售價還這樣親民, 沒玩過相關系列真的太可惜了...

Well, it's almost a New Year in less than half an hour in my area, so long, 2020, hope everything will be better next year. :READYOURBIBLE:

LOST & CROWNED | A Clash Short Film (11:52)

This is such an outstanding film, and the soundtrack the sound are quite epic too, I'm really enjoy it.


Oh my, Estelle's voice is make me breathless every time, so sexy and so sick, share with you here:

Estelle - No Substitute Love

This is so joyous.:shuffelin:

Estelle - American Boy Feat. Kanye West

It's such stylish and classic, I really wanna go to eat some flambé ice cream with burning brandy whenever I hear this song. Melanie Martinez (Mad Hatter) - Icon

Estelle - Back to Love

On my this makes me think of Sims 2 , haha so cute.

Estelle - Thank You

Estelle - Wonderful Life

Estelle - Conqueror

It's so powerful! Love it! :excited: Revamp

Estelle - Love Like Ours ft. Tarrus Riley

Tarrus Riley's voice is my goddess what a beautiful sound~ Music Lover

Estelle ft. Luke James - So Easy

Estelle ft. Maleek Berry - Meet Up

Estelle - Set Me On Fire

It's just can't take enough to enjoy Estelle's voice again and again. Day12 - Music

LUIGI'S MANSION SONG ? "Phantom Dancing" [SFM] | CG5

LUIGI'S MANSION 3 RAP │ Zach Boucher & FabvL

So glad to know there's so many people love Luigi too.Heart Eyes (Like, Love, Admire)

Tainy, J Balvin - Agua (Music From "Sponge On The Run" Movie/Official Video)

Damn it, how can it be so adorable!

Share The Score's art here:

The Score - Oh My Love

The Score - Livin Right

The Score - Where Do You Run

The Score - Something New

They make me happy, I do need some relaxation now, for recent intolerable heat. excited happy

The Score - On And On

The Score - Revolution

The Score - Legend

The Score - The Heat

Such inspiring me Clap

The Score - Miracle

The Score - Stronger

The Score - Born For This

The Score - Best Part

The Score - Stay

This is really fantastic, I love this tone. :)

These 2 days they still have latest album comes out, honestly it's somehow sounds kinda too cute for me, but I'm still happy to see they still singing, and maybe you deserve to appreciate them. Pacman: Clyde Ghost.